by Dennis Radman | Oct 1, 2016 | Media
Returning to School after a Brain Injury Returning to school after a brain injury can be both an exciting and stressful experience for students and their families. In this article, we’d like to share some ideas to help the back-to-school transition go smoothly....
by Dennis Radman | Jan 1, 2016 | Media
Tele-Rehabilitation Innovation Insurance reform has driven a significant interest in technology as a solution to reduce the cost of rehabilitation services and increase overall system capacity, but this just scratches the surface of its benefits. In fact, as far back...
by Dennis Radman | Sep 12, 2014 | Media
Seeds of Hope: A New Support Group Setting Goals For Tomorrow Let’s plant a rose bush! Hannah’s excitement got the better of her while having breakfast with her husband. Hannah revived a long-standing dream of a garden and the centerpiece was her beloved roses. One...
by Dennis Radman | Jun 7, 2014 | Media
On the Flip Side: Flipping the formula for progress in rehabilitation In rehabilitation the formula for progress often starts by targeting one or a small set of skills. Treatment is structured to move that skill in a scaffolded or graded manner; where there is a...
by Dennis Radman | Mar 15, 2014 | Media
Social Media – A modern platform with benefits for the entire ABI community Individuals who acquire a brain injury (ABI) can experience untold challenges. The difficulty with understanding the impacts of brain injury can only be matched by the complexity of the brain...
by Dennis Radman | Feb 22, 2014 | Media
Engineering Rehab Like A Resolution A trip to the mall when I was in grade school was my first introduction to aerodynamics. Most youngsters learned about drag and wind flow the way I did, by sticking your hand out the window and holding it at just the right angle....
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